About Us
Casa Gabri'El is a Religious Organization created to bring awareness to the people Autochthonous to the Moroccan Empire, known today as North, South and Central America and the adjoining Islands, of their ancient culture, customs, and ways of living. Many of our Autochthnous people are unaware of their ancient culture, customs and ways of living. These are birthrighs principles that were once enjoyed and exercised freely. It is our main desire to reconnect our people to their ancient ways. Our moto is " We are today who our ancestors were since time immemorial"
Casa Gabri'El is a Religious Organization created to bring awareness to the people Autochthonous to the Moroccan Empire, known today as North, South and Central America and the adjoining Islands, of their ancient culture, customs, and ways of living. Many of our Autochthnous people are unaware of their ancient culture, customs and ways of living. These are birthrighs principles that were once enjoyed and exercised freely. It is our main desire to reconnect our people to their ancient ways. Our moto is " We are today who our ancestors were since time immemorial"